As a strategic advisor to our clients on key ESG-related assignments, we are committed to transforming the business landscape towards a more sustainable and inclusive future. Together with our clients, we work to implement sustainable practices and drive positive environmental and social change through their projects and initiatives.
See our ESG related references here.
Environmental Leadership through WWF’s Green Office Programme
Celebrating 15 years of our enduring partnership with the WWF Green Office programme marks a significant milestone in our journey towards environmental sustainability. This collaboration, which began a decade and a half ago, emphasises our unwavering commitment to incorporating sustainability practices into our office and work life.
Striving for a sustainable journey
We continuously review and develop our operations, both within our organisation and in collaboration with our business partners and suppliers, to understand our current position and identify areas for improvement.
While the most impactful way to reduce our carbon footprint would be to cut our own emissions, this is challenging to implement immediately due to the nature of our business sector. Therefore, we are actively contributing to specific offset projects as we continue our efforts to reduce our emissions. However, the biggest impact comes through our clients' work, where we guide and support them in implementing sustainable practices and reducing their carbon footprints.
We began keeping record of our carbon dioxide emissions in 2020. We discovered that Borenius’ carbon footprint amounted to 198 t Co2e at the time. Over 50% of our carbon footprint consisted of products and services we had purchased during that year. Since then, we have calculated our Co2 emissions and offset them.
In comparison, our emissions in 2020 and 2021 were 198 t CO2e and 1,320 t CO2e respectively, and in 2022 628 t CO2e. However, it's important to note that these calculations were conducted by different firms each year, which may account for the variation in results. In addition, the 2020 results represent the year of the corona shutdown, which has a clear impact on the level of total emissions. Therefore, these figures are not directly comparable.
Borenius calculates its carbon dioxide emissions annually
We have calculated our carbon dioxide emissions and by offsetting our emissions with certified emission reductions, we aim to further solidify our commitment to environmental responsibility.
A new life for used IT equipment
It is important for us to ensure that our business practices are as sustainable as possible. Our cutting-edge IT infrastructure is one of the linchpins of our business, and we need it to function not only sustainably but also without interruption. In order to ensure sustainable IT procurement, we are using CHG-MERIDIAN’s carbon neutral IT leasing services. Read more here.