News, Pro Bono/19 Aug 2021
Borenius Goes Purple for the IPC’s WeThe15 Campaign
As the Finnish Paralympic Committee’s long-term main partner, we are part of the WeThe15 campaign, too!
WeThe15 is a global campaign coordinated by the International Paralympic Committee, aiming to increase awareness of questions, topics and inequalities related to the social standing of people with disabilities.
The figure 15 refers to the percentage of the global population that lives with a disability. This means that about 1.2 billion people, i.e. 1 in every 7 of us is concerned in some way.
On 19 August, when the campaign was launched, several important buildings and landmarks around the globe, including Colosseum in Rome, London Eye in London and Niagara Falls in North America, turned purple. In Finland, Helsinki Central Railway Station tower was lit up purple.
The campaign can also be seen at the Helsinki Market Square as we have lightened up some of our office windows purple until the end of August.