ESG, News/7 Feb 2022

Borenius and CHG-MERIDIAN Join Forces for a More Sustainable Business

As one of the leading law firms in Finland, it is important for us to ensure that our business practices are as sustainable as possible. Our cutting-edge IT infrastructure is one of the linchpins of our business, and we need it to function not only sustainably but also without interruption. In order to ensure sustainable IT procurement, we have decided to switch to using CHG-MERIDIAN’s carbon neutral IT leasing services.

“We share the same values with CHG-MERIDIAN regarding sustainable business and customer-focused service. With the new carbon neutral leasing and lifecycle management of our IT, we have taken an important step toward greater resource efficiency and environmental protection,” says our Managing Partner Casper Herler.


We require the latest IT equipment so we can provide the best possible services to our clients, but our sustainability strategy requires for procurement and disposal to be as environmentally friendly as possible.

A focus on the environmental footprint

The fact that CHG-MERIDIAN offers carbon-neutral leasing of IT equipment via its carbonZER0 product ties in perfectly with our values.

“We believe that offsetting our CO₂ emissions will allow us to actively contribute to climate change mitigation,” Casper Herler continues.

To achieve carbon-neutral leasing, CHG-MERIDIAN works with an independent partner to determine the volume of emissions of different asset classes, such as PCs, tablets, and smartphones. The CO₂ emissions released during production and transportation and as a result of electricity generation during the use and end-of-life phases of each asset are translated into monetary amounts that are added to the payable lease instalments.

A new life for used equipment

“We wanted to ensure that used equipment was either refurbished for further use or sent for professional, certified recycling,” says Pontus Ingman, our CIO.


The process involves CHG-MERIDIAN taking back the equipment at the end of the lease term and giving it a second lifecycle. The assets are sustainably refurbished at CHG-MERIDIAN’s technology centre and then remarketed.

Because legal services almost exclusively involve sensitive data that must not fall into the hands of third parties, Borenius has its own data erasure process, which is now complemented by CHG-MERIDIAN’s service.

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Additional information

Casper Herler



Pontus Ingman

Chief Information Officer
