ESG, News/9 Aug 2022

Striving towards a carbon neutral work life

As part of our ESG goals, we have calculated our carbon dioxide emissions and compensated for them by contributing to five different projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa. These projects involve e.g. clean water and forest preservation initiatives.

We began keeping record of our carbon dioxide emissions in 2020. We discovered that Borenius’ carbon footprint amounted to 198 t Co2e at the time. Over 50 % of our carbon footprint consisted of products and services we had purchased during that year.

However, the first calculation was conducted during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic when consumption was at an all-time low. This, no doubt, had a greatly diminishing effect on the results. We estimate that the calculations conducted for the 2021–2022 period will offer a more representative reflection of our usual consumption levels.

Compensate Dashboard

As part of our ESG goals, we have calculated our carbon dioxide emissions and compensated for them by contributing to five different projects in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

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How was the footprint calculated?

By calculating our carbon footprint, we can identify the critical sources of our greenhouse gas emissions, establish our current emissions level, and come up with ways in which to reduce our emissions. We reviewed our emissions on three levels when calculating our carbon footprint:

  • Direct emissions, such as our properties and vehicles
  • Indirect emissions from delivered energy sources, such as purchased products and services, electricity and heating
  • Other indirect emissions, such as flights and commuting

How have we compensated for our footprint?

We have compensated for our carbon footprint by purchasing high-quality carbon credits called Compensate Credits from a high-standard portfolio of carbon projects that meet the tight criteria related to climate integrity, biodiversity, social justice, and human rights. One Compensate Credit equals to at least one less tonne of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The projects included in the portfolio meet highly selective, science-based evaluation criteria. However, creating climate effects is not enough, which is why Compensate Credits also takes into consideration the UN Principles for Sustainable Development and other aspects in terms of biodiversity and overcompensation.

Borenius is committed to reducing our carbon footprint in order to meet sustainable development goals, and we will continue to review and develop our operations both within our organisation and in cooperation with our business partners and suppliers. The next step is to calculate our carbon footprint in 2021 and 2022 and select our future compensation projects.

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Casper Herler

