ESG, News/14 Nov 2022
Borenius Partners with Economy and Youth TAT to Promote Awareness of the Legal Profession
We are excited to announce our new partnership with Economy and youth TAT, a national influencer with the goal of helping children and young adults develop their skills in economics and working life and encouraging interest in entrepreneurship. TAT provides elementary and secondary schools with up-to-date teaching materials that promote financial, social, and life skills in addition to operating Yrityskylä learning environments for sixth and ninth graders.
The Yrityskylä learning environment for sixth graders is a miniature city where students choose a profession and work to earn money in addition to learning how to operate as consumers and citizens in the Finnish society. Once students advance to the ninth grade, the Yrityskylä learning environment becomes a more advanced simulation where students compete in managing a global company. The winning team is the one with the best reputation and a good operating profit.
“We were inspired by TAT’s incredibly valuable work and wanted to offer sixth graders the opportunity to experience a day in the life of legal advisers, who make a difference by advising their clients in developing new responsible business models. This is also a valuable opportunity to promote the importance of the rule of law and the role of lawyers as enablers of new business models to the pupils,” comments Managing Partner Casper Herler.

Over 10,000 students from Helsinki and Vantaa and 86% of each sixth grader cohort in Finland visit the Yrityskylä learning environment for sixth graders during the school year. Borenius is currently the only law firm participating in TAT’s educational programme. The professions represented at Borenius’ booth in the Yrityskylä learning environment are managing partner, lawyer, and assistant. This way sixth graders get to learn about everyday life and work tasks at Borenius in a very versatile, safe, and stimulating environment.
“The Yrityskylä learning environment accommodates for all pupils' different needs and supports their learning. Our goal is to offer every pupil an inspiring experience and motivate them to challenge themselves at a level that best suits them. The sixth graders who have tried out Borenius’ booth have been excited about their tasks, and we have received very good feedback from them,” comments Economy and youth TAT’s Partnership Manager Hanna Pääkkö.

Research shows that the sixth graders who have visited the Yrityskylä learning environment are more prone to see businesses as part of the solution to many great challenges such as climate change. As such, our collaboration with TAT is a natural addition to our corporate responsibility programme, which seeks to promote a more sustainable future, life skills, and a more equal society by encouraging engagement with the business world and working life in general among the younger generations.
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