ESG, News/13 Mar 2023

Borenius’ Co2 Emission Calculated for 2022 – Commitment to Sustainability

In a world increasingly conscious of its carbon emissions, we have taken a significant step towards responsible operations by calculating our carbon footprint for 2022.

The carbon footprint calculation was conducted by Nordic Offset, a leading provider of carbon management services. The calculation was based on the internationally recognised Greenhouse Gas Protocol calculation guidelines, ensuring a systematic and accurate assessment of our emissions.

Borenius Co2 footprint

The results of the calculation revealed that our total carbon footprint for 2022 was 628 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2e). The largest source of emissions was purchased products and services, which accounted for approximately 66% of the total emissions. Business travel was the second-largest category, contributing 24% of the total carbon footprint.

In comparison, our emissions in 2020 and 2021 were 198 t CO2e and 1,320 t CO2e respectively. However, it's important to note that these calculations were conducted by different firms each year, which may account for the variation in results. In addition, the 2020 results represent the year of the corona shutdown, which has a clear impact on the level of total emissions. Therefore, these figures are not directly comparable.

Scope of emissions

The calculation covered Scopes 1 to 3 of our emissions. Scope 1 includes direct greenhouse gas emissions from our own operations, such as fuel consumption. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, including electricity, heating, and cooling. Scope 3, which is optional but was included due to its significance, encompasses other indirect emissions from operations, such as business travel, employee commuting, and events.

Towards more sustainable actions

We are using these results to identify the largest emission sources and plan targeted emission reductions. By offsetting our emissions with certified emission reductions, we aim to further solidify our commitment to environmental responsibility. This initiative is a testament to our dedication to sustainable operations. We are not only setting an example for the legal industry but also demonstrating to our clients and stakeholders that it is possible to conduct business in a way that respects and protects our environment. Read more about what we have accomplished with our clients in the field of ESG.

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Additional information

Casper Herler

