News/26 May 2023

Celebrating a Milestone Achievement – Jyrki Tähtinen Receives Prestigious Finnish Honorary Title of Laamanni

We are thrilled to announce that Senior Partner Jyrki Tähtinen has been granted the esteemed honorary title of laamanni by the President of Finland. This prestigious recognition is the highest honour that can be bestowed upon an attorney in Finland, and it serves as a testament to Jyrki’s exceptional career in the field of law.

Jyrki’s remarkable contributions to and pioneering work particularly in the fields of Finnish restructuring law and private equity have solidified his position as a true industry leader. With his extensive track record of successfully navigating complex restructuring cases and developing legal structures and documentation for private equity and venture capital industry in Finland, Jyrki’s expertise has played an instrumental role in shaping the legal landscape in Finland.

Jyrki’s illustrious career at Borenius began as a Partner in 1991. Since then, Jyrki has served as our Managing Partner from 1997 to 2008 and as the Chair of our Board from 2008 to 2020.

Throughout his career, Jyrki has been an invaluable asset to our firm. His strategic insights, leadership acumen, and unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional legal services have contributed immensely to our success and growth. Borenius would not be what it is today without Jyrki’s tremendous contribution.

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Additional information

Jyrki Tähtinen

Senior Partner
