News/22 Jul 2024

Partner Ben Rapinoja Highly Ranked by WTR Global Leaders

Partner and Head of Borenius’ IP team Ben Rapinoja has once again been recognised as one of Finland’s Global Leaders in the 2024 edition of World Trademark Review. The publication brings together the world’s foremost law firm and corporate experts in the field of trademarks.

WTR Global Leaders draws on the WTR’s market-leading research projects, i.e. the WTR 1000 and WTR 300, to identify the best of the best in trademark practice. All those listed as WTR Global Leaders merit special attention owing not only to their expertise and experience in relation to creating, protecting, managing, and enforcing critical brand rights but also to their ability to innovate, inspire, and go above and beyond to deliver for their clients.

Read more about WTR Global Leaders and see the full list of Global Leaders (private practice) here.

Ben Rapinoja
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Ben Rapinoja

