Appointments, News/7 Jun 2024

Borenius’ Green Transition Team in Full Swing

We are thrilled to announce that our green transition team has gained momentum with the official start of our two newly appointed Partners (elect) Heidi Malmberg and Hanna Lehtinen. With their arrival, our capabilities for and commitment to supporting the green transition for our clients are more robust than ever.

Heidi brings unparalleled expertise in infrastructure projects, transactions, permitting, and environmental liability matters. Her career includes pioneering 'first for Finland' projects and extensive experience in the battery industry. Heidi's dual qualifications in Finland and New York further enhance our ability to serve clients with transatlantic business interests.

Returning to Borenius, Hanna brings a wealth of experience in environmental matters, including permitting, land use planning, biodiversity, the circular economy, and renewable energy projects. Her deep knowledge of the process industry sector and expertise in wind and hydropower as well as power-to-X projects will be invaluable to our clients.

Hanna Lehtinen and Heidi Malmberg

Furthermore, our team will grow even stronger with the addition of Partner (elect) Miika Pinomaa later in August. Miika brings extensive experience and a proven track record in advising on high-profile and complex energy and infrastructure sector projects, spanning both traditional and alternative energy sources.

As Heidi and Hanna have already rolled up their sleeves and dived into their new roles, and with Miika set to join soon, we look forward to the innovative solutions and high-quality service the team, led by Partner Casper Herler, will offer our clients. This expansion is a significant step in our mission to support the green transition and drive sustainable growth for our clients.

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Additional information

Casper Herler



Heidi Malmberg

Partner (elect)


Hanna Lehtinen

Partner (elect)
