Rankings, News/22 Jun 2023
Borenius’ IP Team Receives High Accolades at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2023
We are excited to announce that Borenius’ IP team has won multiple major awards at the Managing IP EMEA Awards 2023, making us one of the most successful Finnish firms this year. These awards are a recognition of our IP team’s diligent work and commitment to excellence.
Our IP team’s strong track record of award-winning expertise in the field of IP and patent litigation continues with the Impact Case of the Year award. This award was granted in recognition of our IP team’s work on the SodaStream International v MySoda case. Read more about the case here.
In addition to the collective award, the head of our IP team, Partner Ben Rapinoja, was presented with the Finland Practitioner of the Year award for 2023 in a highly competitive category. Ben has extensive experience in patent and intellectual property litigation, and he is a renowned litigator in patent, trademark and intellectual property matters in Finland.
The Managing IP Awards are annually granted to the leading firms behind the most challenging client assignments in the field of IP by Managing Intellectual Property, the leading source of news and analysis on all intellectual property developments worldwide.

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