Contact information
About Mia
Mia specialises in listed company advisory and public M&A. She has more than 15 years of experience in handling listed company transactions that involve complex securities and corporate law aspects, such as public tender offers and mergers. Mia also frequently provides insider, disclosure, and governance advice to listed companies. Prior to joining Borenius, Mia worked at another major Finnish law firm. Her prior experience also includes working as a secondee at Nokia Corporation.
Mia has served as a secretary of the Helsinki Takeover Code revision workgroup twice, once in 2013 and again in 2021–2022, and she is a member of the Finnish Bar Association’s legal expert team on security markets and finance law. She is also an officer of the International Bar Association’s Capital Markets Forum. Mia has successfully completed the Certified Board Member (CBM) training programme.
Mia heads the firm’s Corporate Advisory team and co-heads the firm’s Capital Markets & Public M&A team. She is a member of the firm’s ESG team with special focus on board duties and corporate law.
Service areas
The Legal 500
- Capital Markets – Key Lawyer
Selected references
- Advised owners of Estonian Bauhub OÜ on its sale to Admicom
- Provided Finnish legal advice to Topdanmark A/S on Sampo plc’s recommended public exchange offer for the shares in Topdanmark A/S
- Advised CapMan on the acquisition of Dasos Capital
- Advised Nixu Corporation on the voluntary recommended cash tender offer by DNV
- Represented EAB Group in its merger with Evli
- Advised Netflix, Inc. on a recommended voluntary public cash tender offer to acquire Next Games Corporation
- Advised SRV on the reorganisation of its balance sheet
- Advised Neles Oyj in the public merger with Valmet Oyj*
- Advised Neles Oyj in the public tender offer attempt by Alfa Laval AB*
- Advised Bain Capital in the approximately EUR 2.1 billion public consortium cash tender offer for all shares in Ahlstrom-Munksjö Oyj*
- Advised Wolt in the approx. EUR 7 billion acquisition by DoorDash*
- Advised YIT Oyj in the public merger with Lemminkäinen Oyj*
- Advised Nokia Oyj and Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy in the public tender offer for Comptel Corporation*
*prior to joining Borenius
- Partner, Borenius, 2022–
- Counsel, Listed Company Advisory and Transactions, Roschier, 2017–2022
- Senior Associate, Roschier, 2010–2017
- Associate, Roschier, 2006–2010
- Visiting lawyer, Nokia Corporation and Nokia Siemens Networks, 2006–2007
- B. Sc. (Econ.), 2007, Helsinki School of Economics
- Master of Laws, 2006, University of Helsinki
- Finnish, English, Swedish, French, German, Spanish

Related references and news
- EU’s Omnibus Proposal: The EU Commission to Propose Sweeping Changes to Sustainability Regulations – Companies with Less than 1000 Employees May Fall out of the CSRD Reporting Obligation Scope
- The New Corporate Governance Code 2025 will be Effective as from 1 January 2025
- New EU Listing Act Brings Changes and Alleviations to Secondary Issues, IPOs and Market Abuse Regulation
- Borenius advised Harvia on the acquisition of ThermaSol
- Borenius advises Lifeline SPAC I on its pending de-SPAC combination with Canatu