References/31 May 2016

Borenius acted as local counsel to Eckes-Granini Group GmbH in its acquisition of the Rynkeby Foods juice subsidiary from Arla Foods amba

We acted as local counsel to Eckes-Granini Group GmbH (“Eckes-Granini”) in its acquisition of the Rynkeby Foods juice subsidiary from Arla Foods amba. Rynkeby is the largest manufacturer of juice and cordials in the Nordic region, selling more than 130 million litres of beverages for consumers primarily in Denmark, Sweden and Finland under the brands Rynkeby® and God Morgon. Eckes-Granini is the leading producer of branded fruit-based beverages in Europe.

Eckes-Granini was advised by Horten Advokatpartnerselskab in Denmark (lead counsel) and by Gernandt & Danielsson.

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Ilkka Aalto-Setälä



Hanna Pohjola

Senior Associate
