References/29 Jan 2019
Borenius advised Coronaria on the sale of Coronaria Hoiva to Humana
We advised Coronaria on the sale of Coronaria Hoiva to Humana AB.
Coronaria Hoiva is one of the largest private social care providers in Finland. Their operations focus on residential care services for the disabled and the elderly as well as care and housing for people with psychosocial problems and substance abuse problems. Coronaria Hoiva’s adjusted net sales amounted to EUR 54 million in 2018, and it has approximately 1,100 employees.
Humana is a leading Nordic care company providing services within individual and family care, personal assistance, elderly care and special service housing in accordance with LSS. Humana has approximately 15,000 employees in Sweden, Norway, Finland and Denmark. Humana’s operating revenue was SEK 6,557 million in 2017. Humana is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.
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