References/3 May 2019
Borenius advised Exilion in relation to Exilion Tuuli Ky
We advised Exilion as it took over the operation of Exilion Tuuli Ky, which was previously managed by LocalTapiola. Exilion Tuuli Ky is an investment vehicle that is looking to invest EUR 300 million in renewable energy.
Exilion Tuuli Ky is one of the few Finnish investment companies that focus on renewable energy and wind power. The company currently owns three wind farms in Finland and is actively searching for new opportunities to invest in wind power and renewable forms of energy in Finland. Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, the State Pension Fund of Finland, and Veritas Pension Insurance Company are Exilion Tuuli Ky’s investors.
Exilion is a Finnish investment company that focuses on real estate investments and renewable energy. The company is owned by four Finnish institutional investors.
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