References/2 Aug 2021
Borenius advised Finnpark Oy on a competition neutrality case
The Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA) closed investigations regarding Finnpark Oy and the city of Tampere after the parties had offered commitments to alleviate any potential competition neutrality concerns related to parking services offered by the company.
Finnpark Oy, fully owned by the city of Tampere, owns parking facilities and other real estate in Tampere and offers parking services both at its own and third party facilities. The FCCA argued in the thorough investigations, which started already in 2015, that Finnpark might receive potential benefits from the city of Tampere in relation to its real estate business and parking facilities construction projects.
Finnpark and the city of Tampere committed to undertake a series of measures to improve transparency and reporting, including keeping separate accounts for the real estate and parking operations. These remedies were enough to remove any potential threats to competition and the case was closed in July 2021.
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