References/10 Nov 2015
Borenius advised Hartela in the sale of shopping centre Ristikko to Etera
We advised Rakennusosakeyhtiö Hartela in a share transaction concerning the sale of Shopping Centre Ristikko to Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö Etera. Through the transaction, Etera became an equal shareholder with Hartela owning half of the shopping centre located in Konala, Helsinki. The newly renovated Ristikko includes four floors and underground parking, having a gross floor area of over 13,500 square meters and 340 parking spaces.
Hartela is a well-established, over 70-year-old family-owned construction company employing approximately 1,000 building services professionals nationally and in exports. As one of the leading business premises developers in Finland, Hartela has carried out business, production and other commercial premises for the use of thousands of companies.
Etera is a pension insurance company, managing the pension security of Finnish employees and entrepreneurs. With over 50 years of experience in the business, Etera is an established expert of working life, actively operating in the field of real estate and commercial banking investment.
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