References/9 Jul 2020
Borenius advised Korona Invest on the sale of Pilke päiväkodit to Læringsverkstedet
We advised Korona Invest on the sale of Pilke päiväkodit to Læringsverkstedet.
Pilke päiväkodit is one of the leading private daycare providers in Finland. Pilke has increased its sales from EUR 1.5 million to almost EUR 100 million while under the ownership of Korona Invest. Pilke currently manages approximately 150 daycare centres serving over 10,000 children and employs more than 2,000 daycare professionals accross Finland.
Læringsverkstedet, a family-owned daycare chain, is the largest private daycare provider in Norway with operations also in Sweden, Germany, Latvia and Dubai. Læringsverkstedet manages more than 230 daycare centres in Norway, which serve approximately 19,000 children. In addition, Læringsverkstedet serves more than 4,000 children in its daycare centres and schools in Sweden and Germany. Læringsverkstedet employs approximately 6,000 daycare and education professionals in its operations.
After the closing of the transaction, Læringsverkstedet will become the largest daycare provider in the Nordics with operations in Norway, Finland and Sweden as well as Germany, Latvia and Dubai.
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