References/31 Dec 2023
Borenius advised Mint of Finland on the sale of its German blank manufacturing company
We advised Mint of Finland Ltd. on the sale of its German blank manufacturing company (Mint of Finland GmbH) to Freiberger EuroMetall GmbH.
The transaction is effective from 31 December 2023 and includes the Halsbrücke blank factory in Germany and its stake in Spanish blank manufacturer Compañía Europea de Cospeles S.A. (CECO S.A.). In the future, the Mint of Finland will not produce any circulation coin blanks.
Mint of Finland Ltd. provides manufacturing and consulting services related to coins. The company’s customers mainly include the central banks and finance ministries of different countries. The Mint of Finland is one of the leading coin exporters in the world with target markets in Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The company is owned by the Finnish state.
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