References/24 Jul 2024
Borenius advised one of InfraRed Capital Partners’ value-add strategies on its investment in Voltan Energy
We advised one of InfraRed Capital Partners’ value-add strategies on its investment in Voltan Energy (Voltan), a Finnish company specialising in ground-source heat pumps for multi-dwelling units and other large buildings. The strategy acquired a majority stake in Voltan with an equity allocation of up to EUR 75 million being made available for the growth of the Heat-as-a-Service business.
Founded in 2020, Voltan engages with local housing associations to offer Heat-as-a-Service technology. They provide cost-effective, sustainable heating and cooling without upfront costs and a competitive alternative to other heating sources, such as district heating, which typically rely on combustion technologies.
InfraRed Capital Partners is an international infrastructure asset manager with more than 160 professionals operating worldwide from offices in London, Madrid, New York, Sydney, and Seoul.
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