References/13 Aug 2021
Borenius advised OP on the formation of an evergreen infrastructure fund
We advised OP on the formation of OP Suomi Infra Ky, an evergreen infrastructure fund targeting investments, for example, in power supply, heat production and distribution, renewable energy, transport, data communications and water resources management.
The fund is the first Finnish evergreen infrastructure fund. Due to its evergreen nature the fund is able to enter into more long-term investments than traditional closed-end fixed-term funds. At inception, the fund raised nearly EUR 160 million of capital commitments from domestic investors. The targeted fund size is EUR 300 million.
The fund is managed by OP Asset Management and advised by Access Capital Partners.
The fund has also announced its first investment, Neve Artic Infra. Neve Arctic Infra is a joint venture with Neve, targeting infrastructure assets in Northern Finland.
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