References/16 Jun 2017

Borenius advised Pohjolan Design-Talo and Talliosake in their agreed merger

We advised Pohjolan Design-Talo, a CapMan Buyout portfolio company, and Talliosake, a supplier of work and storage facilities, in their agreed merger. This merger of two respective market leaders is expected to create business synergies and new business opportunities in addition to boosting future growth and development.

Pohjolan Design-Talo Oy (Detapo Oy) is Finland’s leading manufacturer of turnkey single-family homes. Pohjolan Design-Talo posted a turnover of EUR 71.3 million and employed 209 members of staff in 2016. The company runs a construction plant for outer wall elements in Nivala and owns Design-Talo Tekniikka, located in Ii, which carries out HVAC and electrical work.

Talliosake (Laponte Oy) is a rapidly growing supplier of work and storage facilities. Talliosake provides high-quality facilities suitable for small-scale business operations and recreational activities that satisfy the storage needs of consumers, companies and investors.

Borenius acted as joint counsel to the parties.

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Johan Roman

Managing Partner


Heikki Wahlroos




Henna Jovio

