References/21 Nov 2023
Borenius advised Sponsor Capital on its acquisition of Fonecta
We advised Sponsor Capital on its acquisition of the Fonecta Group, a leading provider of digital marketing services in Finland.
In the transaction, all Fonecta Group companies that specialise in digital marketing, taxi, and information services will be transferred to Sponsor Capital. The services provided by these group companies form an indispensable part of the everyday life of Finns. The Group’s estimated revenue in 2023 is approximately EUR 70 million.
Sponsor Capital is a Finnish private equity firm that invests in small- and medium-sized Finnish companies. Since the company’s establishment, Sponsor Capital’s funds have invested almost EUR 800 million in altogether 40 Finnish companies. Sponsor Capital currently actively manages private equity funds worth a total of approximately EUR 400 million.
The completion of the transaction requires the approval of the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority.
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