Borenius advised the lenders on the EUR 1.01 billion financing for the acquisition of Mehiläinen by CVC Capital Partners
References/15 Aug 2018
Borenius advised the lenders on the EUR 1.01 billion financing for the acquisition of Mehiläinen by CVC Capital Partners
We advised a syndicate of banks on the EUR 1.01 billion senior and second lien loan financing for the acquisition of Mehiläinen, a leading private healthcare and social care provider in Finland, by CVC Capital Partners, LocalTapiola, Varma, Ilmarinen and the management of Mehiläinen. The syndicate comprised, among others, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Danske Bank, Jefferies and Nordea as mandated lead arrangers and Danske Bank as an agent.
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