References/11 Dec 2015

Borenius advised the private shareholders of Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Oy in a transaction where Pihlajalinna Terveys Oy acquired all shares in Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Oy

We advised the private shareholders of Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Oy in a transaction where Pihlajalinna Terveys Oy, a subsidiary company of publicly listed Pihlajalinna Oyj, acquired 100% of the shares in Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Oy (Koskiklinikka). The net debt-free value of the acquisition is EUR 21.2 million. The transaction also includes the acquisition of Tampereen Lääkärikeskus Oy’s 50% shareholding in an imaging services company Röntgentutka Oy.

Koskiklinikka operates one large private clinic and hospital in Tampere and four smaller private clinics in Tampere, Pirkkala and Jyväskylä, employing 150 full-time employees and 250 doctors working for the company as private practitioners.

In 2014, Koskiklinikka’s net sales amounted to EUR 15.4 million (total sales approximately EUR 28 million) and its operating profit was EUR 1.7 million. Röntgentutka Oy’s net sales were EUR 4.6 million (total sales approximately EUR 6 million) and operating profit EUR 1.12 million.

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Jari Gadd

