References/29 Oct 2018
Borenius advised University Properties of Finland Ltd on the issuance of EUR 100 million green bond
We advised University Properties of Finland Ltd (in Finnish: Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt Oy) on the issuance of EUR 100,000,000 green bond under its newly established Green Bond Framework. Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB (publ) acted as the sole bookrunner in the transaction.
The company undertakes to invest in certified environmentally sustainable and energy-efficient projects, such as new and renovated real properties with at least a BREEAM Very Good classification and 15% lower energy consumption compared to the current building regulations.
The company promotes sustainable development in terms of ecological, financial and social sustainability. It develops properties to make them increasingly energy-efficient and ecological. In its investments, the company focuses on finding environmentally friendly long-term solutions.
This is one of the first ever private placement green bond issuances in the Finnish market and will hopefully encourage other issuers to enter into the market.
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