References/16 Feb 2023

Borenius is advising on the merger of Economy and youth TAT’s and Junior Achievement Finland’s operations

We are currently advising our partner Economy and youth TAT on the merger of its operations with Junior Achievement Finland. The mission of both associations has been to promote children and youths’ working life, economic, and entrepreneurial skills at schools and at other educational institutions together with teachers. The merger will ensure more strongly that every child and youth, regardless of their background, has an opportunity to learn working life, economic, and entrepreneurial skills in primary school and secondary education.

The associations will merge their operations on 1 June 2023, and the new name of the merged association will be Nuorten Yrittäjyys ja Talous NYT. The merged association will bring together a large group of foundations, partners, business operators, and universities.

TAT is well-known for its Yrityskylä learning environment, which is annually visited by approximately 85 per cent of 6th and 9th graders in Finland. Borenius serves as an adviser on TAT’s educational programme and hosts an office in the Helsinki Yrityskylä learning environment where 6th graders get to run a law firm for a day.

Through our presence in Yrityskylä, we want to signal the importance of the rule of law and legal services in a well-functioning society and business environment. Our partnership with TAT is one of the many projects through which we are developing our ways to increase the social impact of our legal services and community service at Borenius.

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Lasse Laaksonen



Henrik Uoti

Senior Associate


Tomi Tanskanen

