Corporate Advisory & Compliance

The Corporate Advisory of Borenius draws on our team members’ wide-ranging experience from the advisory boards and management of private and publicly traded Finnish companies. The members of the group have thorough experience in dealing with complex issues in all stages of the lifespan of a corporation and can draw on years of experience in serving on corporate boards and from chairing general meetings of shareholders in companies active in diverse fields of business.

We are here to help your business

Together with specialists from other practice groups, we offer corporate advisory services, in relation to all areas relating to corporate matters, such as:

  • Compliance, corporate social responsibility and codes of conduct
  • Governance and conflicts of interest
  • Share-based incentive schemes
  • Issues of equity and debt instruments
  • Mergers, de-mergers and share swap-based structuring
  • Distributions and transactions with related parties
  • General and extra meetings of shareholders
  • Stock market rules and disclosures
  • Restructurings, insolvency and capital impairment

The legal framework for Finnish limited liability companies offers a flexible tool for innovative solutions in fundraising, joint ventures, shareholder governance, etc. However, its flexibility places special emphasis on general company law principles, emphasising the need for legal analysis to assess the effects of the action planned and the interrelationship of interested parties.

All references

Our experts are always ready to assist you. See all of our Corporate Advisory & Compliance references here.

Additional information

Andreas Doepel

Senior Counsel, General Counsel


Mia Mokkila



Jyrki Tähtinen

Senior Partner



Jari Gadd



Markus Kokko



Sanni Koskinen

Senior Associate


Tuomas Tikkanen

